Travel Nurses & Allied Professionals

Ready to start the next chapter in your Healthcare career?

What Is A Travel Nurse?

A Travel Nurse is a Registered Nurse who is hired to work in temporary Nursing positions at various locations, often filling Short-Term staffing needs across different Healthcare Facilities.

Mandatory Requirements

What Are Allied Professionals?

Allied Health Professionals contribute to the delivery of medical care by offering a diverse range of diagnostic, technical, therapeutic, and supportive services.

Some Allied Professionals include Physical Therapists, Radiologic Technologists, Pharmacists, Social Workers, and Paramedics. 

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

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Why Work With AG Globe?

AG Globe is dedicated to helping you achieve success in your Healthcare career. Our team of Recruitment Specialists are ready to guide you every step of the way!

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Going against the grain of traditional recruiting models, we seek to improve, modernize and calibrate your Talent Acquisition Practice.

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